Some information on two scholarly and philosophical events coming up in our Triratna Buddhist community:
Triratna Scholars Network study retreat Sunday 15 Dec–Thursday 19 Dec 2019 at Adhisthana (ending after lunch on the Thursday), led by Sāgaramati, Dhīvan and Śraddhāpa. Please book through the Adhisthana website, or contact Dhivan ( with questions. Open to Order members and mitras. The theme will be:
Early Perfection of Wisdom. The Aṭṭhakavagga or Chapter of the Eights, from the Sutta Nipāta of the Pāli canon, presents an early version of the Buddha’s teaching, which emphases the abandoning views and opinions, and dwelling in an open state of non-attachment, a version of the Dharma that has much in common with the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajñāpāramitā) literature of later Mahāyāna Buddhism. This study retreat, organised by the Triratna Scholars Network, will explore the Pāli text and context of the Aṭṭhakavagga, and the Sanskrit text of the Ratnaguṇasaṃcayagāthā or Collection of Verses on Precious Qualities, an early Perfection of Wisdom text. As well as the study of texts, there will be discussion of scepticism in Greek and Indian philosophy, and daily meditation on the themes of the retreat. This event is open to Order members and mitras, and is aimed at those with an interest in the study of Buddhist texts and languages.
Philosophy Symposium 24 Jan–Monday 27 Jan 2020 at Adhisthana, led by Sīlavādin, Dhivan and Matt Drage. Please book through the Adhisthana website, or contact Dhivan (, or Sīlavādin (, or Matt Drage ( with questions. Open to Order members and mitras. The theme will be:
Exploring Buddhist Modernism: How modern western ideas shape western Buddhism. What cultural and historical forces have made Western Buddhism possible? How have modern revolutions in philosophy and psychology, such as Kant’s claim that our world is mind-dependent, and William James' focus on the "experience" of the individual, shaped the way we understand the Buddha's teachings? How does the naturalistic worldview of modern science influence how we interpret the doctrines of 'dependent arising' and rebirth? How does romanticism – with its blending of the imagination, the arts, individualism and Christian spirituality – inform the way we have come to understand the Buddhist path?
In this symposium we want to explore how we cannot help looking at the Dharma in terms of these paradigms, although we might not be aware of doing so (or especially if we are not aware). We also want to explore how these paradigms have played a role in Sangharakshita's thinking and teaching.