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Suvarnaprabha: The Book of Rejoicings - A Call for Contributions
Our friend Suvarnaprabha from San Francisco has been writing the most amazing blog about living with cancer. We're hoping to feature more from it -- and from her -- here on The Buddhist Centre Online this year - and we'll keep you posted about the book she's working on around her experiences since the diagnosis. Now Varada writes from Missoula, Montana, in the US to ask for submissions for a 'Book of Rejoicings' she and friends are putting together to give to Suvarnaprabha. If you want to contribute something, Varada would love to hear from you!

"Dear Friends,

I am just writing to remind you of the book we are putting together to rejoice in the life of Suvarnaprabha (Lisa Cullen). We know you love her and perhaps you have told her but here is a chance to have your appreciation of her published into a lovely book for her to keep with her for the rest of her life.

Poems, photographs, memories, anything you'd like to say. Please send to

Please send before April 15. We would like to get this to her so she can enjoy it! We will also make it available for download or purchase in hard copy."