Online Meditators
Online Meditators
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This week's meditation (new time!)
Hi all, our next onlline meditation class will be on Tuesday 18th at 11.30am-12.30pm PST / 2.30-3.30pm EST / 7.30-8.30pm UK / 8.30-9.30pm Europe. This week we'll be revisiting the Loving Kindness meditation (Metta Bhavana), particularly with a view to expanding our own sense of 'identity' (individual and national/tribal)...

We’ll be online 15 minutes before the sit and will meditate (with some guidance) for around 45 minutes, leaving space at the end for optional sharing and general discussion around this week's theme. Connect on Skype with user and IM (Instant Message) to be added to the call. If you’re not sure about finding us on Skype, see here for more details.

Look forward to sharing the space with you!