Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
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Friendly, fun women’s community seeks new member
Want to be part of the lively Manchester sangha?
Are you a mitra or Order member?

(Ok, it's not a job, but it certainly is voluntary...)

We’re in leafy north Manchester, 2 miles from Manchester Buddhist Centre and the city centre (15-20 minutes’ cycle ride). Our house is spacious and light with a separate shrine room in a beautiful garden backing on to a nature reserve.

We are a well established, open community of five Order members and a cat, some of whom were ordained whilst living here. (Not the cat.)

Interested in living with us?
We’d love to hear from you, by 12th May.
Phone 0161 792 0966 or

Amoghalila, Amitasuri, Dayanandi, Munisha, Taravandana and Oscar the cat
(Vidyamala lives next door.)