Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding
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Safeguarding officer role description

One or two people have asked if there is a formal description for the role of a Safeguarding officer/co-ordinator (including, now a Nichiren group in California, as Triratna's Safeguarding standards are gradually becoming known among other Buddhist traditions.)

We don't yet have a formal role description for Triratna but here are two descriptions I have found so far.

This one is adapted from a description by Thirtyone:eight, the UK charity which specialises in Safeguarding advice for faith groups, though they say they are working on a formal role description.

The role of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator might typically include:

  • The preparation and implementation of safeguarding policies and their review annually
  • Ensuring safeguarding policies and procedures are followed
  • Acting as an advocate on behalf of children and adults in need of protection
  • Arranging and making sure staff, volunteers, teachers, leaders and trustees have training
  • Keeping accurate confidential records relating to safeguarding concerns and storing them securely according todata protection law.
  • Regularly informing trustees on good practice
  • Working in partnership with statutory and other agencies including police where necessary

And this longer document comes from the NSPCC, which specialises in preventing harm to children in the UK

When we have a more clearly worked out role description for Triratna Safeguarding officers we will publish it widely.