Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding
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Safeguarding: not just children and "adults who may be at risk"

It's a common misconception that Triratna charities only need to protect from harm children and those 'adults who may be considered at risk' (or 'vulnerable adults', a term no longer used).

However, everyone needs protection from harm. These days trustees are responsible for protecting all their beneficiaries from harm in the course of their charity's activities. This is a clear requirement of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Scottish Charity Regulator and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission, to mention just three bodies we are aware of so far.

(Do email us with any similar requirements for any other country/state you are aware of:

Triratna's model policy for Safeguarding adults 2020 covers the 10 kinds of harm charities are required to do their best to prevent under the law in the UK:

1. physical abuse
2. sexual abuse
3. neglect and acts of omission
4. organisational abuse
5. self-neglect
6. modern slavery
7. domestic abuse
8. discriminatory abuse
9. financial or material abuse
10. psychological abuse

Read the Australian guidance.
Read the guidance for England and Wales.
Read the Scottish guidance.

*Updated model Safeguarding policies will be published in January 2021.*