Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding
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Safeguarding for Buddhist charities: a Charity Commission webinar

Saturday 29th January 2022
10-11am (UK time)

A free webinar for trustees, Safeguarding officers, teachers, leaders and volunteers in Buddhist charities – and anyone else!

What are the duties of Buddhist charities in relation to Safeguarding adults and children from harm and how can we do this better?

Hosted by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK, speakers from the Charity Commission for England and Wales will explain the Commission’s requirements - and what has been learned from recent experience in Buddhist organisations.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business: this event is particularly aimed at Buddhist trustees, leaders and teachers, but everyone is welcome, anywhere in the world.

Book your free place here.

This event is free, but donations are welcome.