UPDATE: This event was recorded and Safeguarding is mentioned at 1' 5" in.
Thursday 17th March, 2022 4:30pm UK time
Your charity may be wondering how to respond to the war in Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian emergency. There are Safeguarding dimensions to this, especially if you are taking in refugees: children and adults who will be very vulnerable.
In this free webinar lawyers from Bates Wells will summarise some of the key issues you may need to consider, and conclude with a general question and answer session.
If you would like to send any questions in advance, please do so in the question box on the registration page.
The main topics will be:
• Expressions of support and solidarity: what are the limitations?
• Accepting and refusing donations – legal and reputational issues
• Fundraising appeals – law and best practice
• Practical considerations, due diligence and monitoring in relation to spending funds overseas in an emergency
• The impact of sanctions on receiving and transferring charitable funds
• Legal issues when combatants may seek to benefit from humanitarian support
• Helping refugees reach the UK: what are the immigration rules?
• Duty of care and safeguarding