Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding
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Order job opportunity: ECA Safeguarding officer (also available as job share)

After seven years as Triratna’s European Chairs Assembly’s Safeguarding officer, Munisha is stepping down by the end of June and applications are now invited for this Order post by 28th March 2023.

This is an opportunity to be of real help to those running centres and retreat centres, who express great appreciation of the help available to them, from both Amaladipa and Munisha, at the Safeguarding team.

The ECA Safeguarding officer is employed by the ECA executive (trustees) to advise Triratna charities and other legal bodies running Triratna activities in the UK and the rest of Europe on the practical measures for protecting adults and children from harm, working to UK Safeguarding standards.

In this role you will work from home as part of the ECA’s Development Team and your work will involve

  • advising those handling local Safeguarding matters in centres, retreat centres and other Triratna charities
  • updating and publishing the Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and guidance documents annually
  • liaising with the College (Preceptors College Trust) and Order Convenors in Order Safeguarding cases where they relate to an Order member’s involvement with the activities of a Triratna charity
  • receiving any concerns/complaints and addressing them and/or passing them on, as appropriate, including sharing information with police where a matter may be criminal
  • attending the ECA meeting twice a year to report to the Chairs

You will not be responsible for Order Safeguarding cases (except to the extent that they relate to an Order member’s involvement in the activities of a Triratna charity).

Start date negotiable; we currently envisage that a handover period of a few months will be necessary, during which time you will work part time alongside Munisha (ECA Safeguarding officer) and Amaladipa (volunteer ECA Safeguarding adviser), gradually increasing your hours as Munisha reduces hers.

After the handover period we currently envisage that the person/s appointed would work a maximum of 3 person days per week, to be negotiated with the ECA Exec and Munisha, and as the work requires. (There may be an opportunity to work further hours to support the ECA Executive in their work.)

Support package
This is negotiable but is based on the UK real living wage + £1500 retreat allowance and 8 weeks leave per year, pro rata.

Experience needed
The successful applicant will have experience of Safeguarding work in the UK, either as a Safeguarding officer in Triratna or elsewhere, or in a related professional capacity, for example as a school teacher, social worker, psychologist, probation officer or police officer.

Qualities and skills needed

  • An ability to be kind yet firm
  • Self confidence and resilience
  • An ability to ask for help
  • An ability to work in a self directed way
  • Good communication skills, in speech and in writing
  • Attention to detail
  • Meticulous record-keeping skills
  • An ability to maintain confidentiality beyond those you work with, who have a ‘reasonable need to know’ about cases.

Interested? Any questions?
If you think you could be interested in applying please arrange to talk to Munisha by 28th February 2023. Email: