Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding
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Charity Commission Safeguarding webinar materials now available

The PowerPoint pdf and video from the recent Charity Commission webinar on Safeguarding for Buddhist charities are now available and free to share with anyone at all.

One attender described it as ‘fabulous’; not a word often heard in this context…

Trustees and Safeguarding officers will find it useful to go through these materials, but they’re also relevant to any of us who teach or lead in any Triratna charity in England and Wales, to help us understand trustees’ regulatory obligations in this area, which everyone involved in a charity’s activities is required to uphold.

It will also be useful to anyone curious about the Safeguarding duties of our central charities, such as the Preceptors’ College Trust (College) and Triratna Trust (Order office).


ECA Safeguarding team

PS Many apologies if you booked but were unable to join the webinar. We had some unexpected technical difficulties with both the Zoom and the Eventbrite booking system. However, the video is almost identical with the live event.