*Update*: See Munisha's new space on Triratna in the Buddhist World
Inter-Buddhist (2011)
Here are some of the ways Triratna is active in inter-Buddhist networking:
- In the UK it is an active member of the NBO (Network of Buddhist Organisations), with Dhammarati and Lokabandhu on the Activities committee – Munisha also attends as a representative from ClearVision. The NBO is a well-respected UK umbrella group.
- In Europe Dhammarati attends meetings of the EBU (European Buddhist Union) and the European Teachers meeting. Local centres are members of the Dutch Buddhist Union (Gunabhadri and Ujukarin have both worked for it) and the German Buddhist Union (DBU).
- Internationally, TBMSG are members of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB); Lokamitra is on their Executive Committee. Dhammakranti are active in the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB); and Clear Vision have been to Bhutan advising the government there on its teaching of Buddhism in schools.
These are in addition to the many friendly contacts individual Triratna Centres will have with other local Buddhists.
The best place to start is with the Interfaith Network. Happy networking!