Attn: Mitras... We have places available on An Ordinary Person's Guide to Becoming a Bodhisattva, from 27th Jan - 3rd Feb. Led by the experienced team of Maitrisiddhi, Sahajatara and Kusalasara, this is a fabulous opportunity to delve into the rich teachings of the Bodhicaryavatara.
Provocative and poetic, uncompromising and deeply kind: Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara, ‘Guide to the Bodhisattva Path’ gives us a path of vision and a path of transformation. How can we engage all of ourselves - messy, passionate, loving-hating beings that we are - in the quest for awakening for the sake of all beings?
Great for those who know it, those who don't, and those who wonder What was Shantideva getting at, here???