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The Sikkha Project
The Sikkha Project

Video and resources from Fundraising Seminar now available

By Vajrashura on Tue, 23 Jun, 2020 - 20:41

Video and resources from Fundraising Seminar now available

By Vajrashura on Tue, 23 Jun, 2020 - 20:41

Dear friends,

Here are the video and resources from the Sikkha and Future Dharma seminar entitled Effective Fundraising for Triratna Centres.

Video of Seminar

The video for the seminar is now available in our Online Seminars Playlist on YouTube. Feel free to share with anyone who might find it useful.

Future Dharma Fundraising Toolkit and Resources

You can find the Fundraising Toolkit page Kusaladevi mentioned on the Sikkha Website, including the videos. Here you will find resources like the Fundraising Toolkit Document and the Comparisons...

The Sikkha Project
The Sikkha Project

Podcast #1 of 2 - Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online

By Vajrashura on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 19:21

Podcast #1 of 2 - Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online

By Vajrashura on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 19:21

Following up from the Sikkha Seminar on Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online, Ratnaguna and Danadasa, who led the seminar, have answered a number of questions from the seminar in the podcast below.

Here is eight different questions which they received from the seminar. If you are interested in a specific questions, the podcast timestamps are provide for each question. We hope you find this helpful!

(2:00 – 7:30) If there is the opportunity to choose, how many people would you have in a...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast - Concluding thoughts at the end of the ECA, Summer 2019

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Jul, 2019 - 18:42

“To be a chair is not to be a particular kind of person…they are very different. But what they do have in common, is a love of Triratna, a love of the Dharma and a longing to help…”

The 2019 Summer ECA - European Chairs’ Assembly - took place at Padmaloka in the UK.  We are joined by Aryanita from Paris, Vanaraji from Mid-Essex, Jayaraja from Buddhafield and Amritasiddhi from Nagpur, India, all reflecting on how...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast - An Update from The Sikkha Project

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 19 Apr, 2019 - 09:20

“The idea is that, at some point, it won’t be a project; it’ll just be more like how we do things”

The Sikkha Project aims to support the development of training within Triratna for every level of experience, to discover and share how the different elements of our system of practice are taught and practiced most effectively, and to create resources and training to fill any gaps.

Here’s a conversation with Dhammamegha, currently co-ordinating this project, explaining its origins, who’s involved and the ‘shopping...
