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Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Are you new to the Safeguarding page?

By ECA Safeguarding on Fri, 11 Dec, 2020 - 13:44

Are you new to the Safeguarding page?

By ECA Safeguarding on Fri, 11 Dec, 2020 - 13:44

If it’s your first time here, welcome!

1. Do have a look at the ‘Info’ page above
2. Browse the posts at ‘Latest’

We’ve posted quite a number of important things here since we started last summer - things you need to know if you’re involved in any way with building an understanding of Safeguarding and ethical conduct in Triratna.

Also you’ll find information about how the ECA Safeguarding team and Adhisthana kula have addressed ethical failings in our past...

Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Reasons to do Safeguarding well

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 3 Dec, 2020 - 09:06

Reasons to do Safeguarding well

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 3 Dec, 2020 - 09:06

Here’s a tiny video from the UK’s National Council for Voluntary Organisations.
