Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Green Tārā and the Fourth Lakṣaṇa - a new piece of writing by Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 10 Jan, 2018 - 12:15

Green Tārā and the Fourth Lakṣaṇa - a new piece of writing by Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 10 Jan, 2018 - 12:15

Composed during the latter part of December and completed on New Year’s Day 2018, the starting point here is the four sādhanas (sādhana is a visualisation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva figure) Sangharakshita received from one of his teachers, Jamyang Khyentse Rimpoche: Mañjughoṣa, Avalokiteśvara, Vajrapāṇi, and Green Tārā, and their ‘correspondence’ (in the hermetic sense) with the lakṣaṇas, the samādhis, and the vimokṣas leading to a series of reflections on the Path of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Gentle-Voiced One

By akasajoti on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 21:52

The Gentle-Voiced One

By akasajoti on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 21:52

Today on the women’s Order convention we have had a full day, listening to the sound of the gentle-voiced one and dwelling in his amber realm. Sanghadevi gave a evocative talk this morning, and led us through the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana. Then this afternoon amongst other fringe activities and sitting in the sun in the beautiful Adhisthana grounds, we listened to part of the original taped lecture on ‘The System of Meditation’ given by Bhante, which you can also listen to here. Our...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Welcome to the 2016 Women's International Order Convention

By akasajoti on Sun, 21 Aug, 2016 - 23:55

Welcome to the 2016 Women's International Order Convention

By akasajoti on Sun, 21 Aug, 2016 - 23:55

Over the next week we’ll be offering as much live coverage as the Adhisthana bandwidth allows from the 2016 Women’s International Order Convention. Talks, mantras, podcasts, pictures, and videos, here on The Buddhist Centre Online.

Around 170 dharmacharinis from around the world have gathered here this evening for the convention, which opened with an introduction from Parami and a dedication ceremony in the shrine marquee. Over the week we will be dwelling with some of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that Bhante Sangharakshita has introduced to the Order, through a programme of...
