Tag: international buddha day

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The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Countdown to #buddhaday - 10 days to go...

By akasajoti on Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 - 11:35

Countdown to #buddhaday - 10 days to go...

By akasajoti on Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 - 11:35

Countdown to #buddhaday!

“A thousand brilliant hues arise,⠀
More lovely than the evening skies,⠀
And pictures paint before our eyes…”

During this day of recollection and celebration of the many beautiful qualities of Enlightenment, Saddhanandi and Saddhaloka will offer a special Buddha Day Q&A live-streamed from Adhisthana.

🎧 “The Poetry Interviews – Saddhanandi + Sangharakshita” 

thebuddhistcentre.com/buddha-day for the full programme and to connect⠀ 


For the Happiness and Welfare of Many

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 11:46

For the Happiness and Welfare of Many

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 11:46

In his second talk in the series counting down to Buddha Day, Saddhaloka shares the stories of just after the Buddha’s enlightenment. This talks covers the buddha’s first teachings, and the compassion that moved him and his followers to teach.
