Triratna News
Triratna News

Karuna awarded £250,000 by UK Government

By lokabandhu on Wed, 2 May, 2012 - 05:32

Karuna awarded £250,000 by UK Government

By lokabandhu on Wed, 2 May, 2012 - 05:32Andrea writes from Triratna’s Karuna Trust with great news of their latest fundraising success - a major grant from the UK Government’s DFID. She says - “We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a £250,000 grant from the Department for International Development. This grant will enable 10,000 children living in rural Maharashtra, in central/western India to access education, and to escape child labour and poverty. In addition 800 young people will be able...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna in Kerala - a report

By lokabandhu on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37

Triratna in Kerala - a report

By lokabandhu on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37Triratna has been established in India for well over thirty years now, with a dozen or more Buddhist Centres, several hundred Order Members and well over 5,000 Mitras. In recent years, however, it has begun to expand more vigorously from its base in Maharastra, central India - and today we bring you the first of several reports from some of its more pioneering activities in that great county. Central to Triratna’s expansion is the Nagarjuna Training Institute in Nagpur where...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna computer training projects take off in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 29 Feb, 2012 - 06:16

Triratna computer training projects take off in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 29 Feb, 2012 - 06:16Today’s long report features Shakyajata, an English woman Order Member recently returned from India, who writes with news of Aryaloka, Triratna’s computer training project in Nagpur, central India: a training project for young men and women in the latest computer skills . She says - “I have been in India a while now, and am beginning to adjust to the very different life here. The contrast with my comfortable life in Manchester, is of course quite sharp: personal comfort and...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Full Moon Purnima Pujas Celebrated in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 15 Feb, 2012 - 06:22

Full Moon Purnima Pujas Celebrated in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 15 Feb, 2012 - 06:22Nagamitra writes from India, where he works at Nagaloka, Triratna’s social and Dhamma training complex in Nagpur, Maharastra. Following ancient Buddhist tradition, they’ve recently started celebrating the full moons with night-time meditations, known as Purnima Pujas. He says -

“Dear Friends, full moon Purnima Puja meditations are now regular activities in Nagaloka. Since the opening of our Big Buddha statue last year we have run this activity on every full moon evening. Each month nearly 200 men and women...
Triratna News
Triratna News

News from Kerala and Jai Bhim International

By lokabandhu on Wed, 25 Jan, 2012 - 05:26

News from Kerala and Jai Bhim International

By lokabandhu on Wed, 25 Jan, 2012 - 05:26Dayamudra, an American Order Member with strong links to India, writes from Kerala, where she’s recently completed her third tour and retreat in south India with the growing Triratna team there, where they are known as ‘Jai Bhim Kerala’. She says -

“Dear Friends- Our team has just concluded our 6-day Communicative English and Basic Buddhism Retreat in Kollam, Kerala, in southwest India. It was our 3rd annual collaboration with the Jai Bhim Kerala team and we...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Giant Triratna retreat in South India draws to a close

By lokabandhu on Thu, 29 Dec, 2011 - 18:41

Giant Triratna retreat in South India draws to a close

By lokabandhu on Thu, 29 Dec, 2011 - 18:41One of Triratna’s largest retreats has recently drawn to a close, in Gulbarga, in the south India state of Karnataka. Manimaran, who was there, sends us this report, saying -

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Dhamma, I just came back after attending the PRABUDDHABHARAT RETREAT in December 2011 at the wonderful Siddhartha Buddha Vihar, at Gulbarga in Karnataka State, South India. More than 600 men and women participated in the retreat from all different states in india,...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Unique Triratna Retreat Starts in Kerala, South India

By lokabandhu on Sat, 24 Dec, 2011 - 05:41

Unique Triratna Retreat Starts in Kerala, South India

By lokabandhu on Sat, 24 Dec, 2011 - 05:41Today sees the start of a unique Triratna retreat held annually in Kerala, South India - a 6-day residential “communicative English retreat” for 60 Keralan students including around 30 girls. It’s a collaboration between Jai Bhim Kerala and the San Francisco-based Jai Bhim International, and brings together Indians and Westerners to study and practice simultaneously the Dharma and spoken English. Dayamudra, director of Jai Bhim International and newly-ordained, writes with more details. She says - “This year will...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Turning the Wheel of the Dharma in Bodh Gaya

By lokabandhu on Fri, 23 Dec, 2011 - 05:36

Turning the Wheel of the Dharma in Bodh Gaya

By lokabandhu on Fri, 23 Dec, 2011 - 05:36As the Western world heads rapidly towards Christmas and the holiday period, life in India goes on much as normal. And on Triratna’s land in Bodh Gaya, place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, Buddhavajra is just getting going. He’s a young Indian Order Member who moved there with his young family just over a year ago, with the strong intention to initiate Dhamma classes and retreats for local people - so often overlooked in the throng of pilgrims visiting the glittering...
Triratna News
Triratna News

International Network of Engaged Buddhists meet in Bodh Gaya

By lokabandhu on Mon, 5 Dec, 2011 - 12:14

International Network of Engaged Buddhists meet in Bodh Gaya

By lokabandhu on Mon, 5 Dec, 2011 - 12:14Vajrapushpa is Chair of Triratna’s Karuna Trust, which raises over £1.5m/year for social and Dharma projects in India. She’s recently back from India, where she was in Bodh Gaya to attend the annual conference of INEB, the International Network of Engaged Buddhists. She reports -

“The theme of the conference was ‘The Future of Buddhism: From Personal Awakening to Global Transformation’. The gathering was rather like a microcosm of the Buddhist world:...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Full Moon meditation raises over £1,000 for Indian Buddhist youth project

By lokabandhu on Wed, 23 Nov, 2011 - 05:24

Full Moon meditation raises over £1,000 for Indian Buddhist youth project

By lokabandhu on Wed, 23 Nov, 2011 - 05:24The November full moon saw young Triratna Buddhists around the UK and India meditating all night, many of them fundraising in aid of NNBY’s ‘Bihar Girls Project’ - which raised over UK £1,000 overnight! NNBY are Triratna’s Indian ‘National Network of Buddhist Youth’, active all over India but currently focusing on Bihar due to the extreme difficulties faced by the people there - and especially girls.

Chetan Meshram writes from India...
