Tag: India Dhamma Trust

Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now
Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now

Chai and sweet stall

By Mokshini on Thu, 10 Aug, 2017 - 09:24

Chai and sweet stall

By Mokshini on Thu, 10 Aug, 2017 - 09:24

The India Dhamma Trust looks forward to welcoming you to their stall in the Adhisthana barn. They  will be serving Indian Chai (to an authentic recipe) along with delicious Indian sweets.

All proceeds will go to our charitable trust’s support of Dhamma work in India, enabling many thousands of New Buddhists there to turn their Buddhist hopes into a lived reality. Come and visit us any afternoon of the gathering. You can also find out more about the India Dhamma...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

An opportunity to join India Dhamma Trust

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Apr, 2017 - 13:32

An opportunity to join India Dhamma Trust

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Apr, 2017 - 13:32

We have a new opportunity to support Dhamma work in India by joining the India Dhamma Trust team as a trustee treasurer. A third of our Order and roughly half of the Movement is in India with a fraction of the resources we have in the UK.  There are an estimated 10 million people who have embraced Buddhism, but who need guidance from a committed Sangha on how to deepen their practice.  Would you like to make a significant...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Introducing Dhammavijaya - New Fundraising Coordinator for the India Dhamma Trust

By Dhammavijaya on Tue, 14 Feb, 2017 - 15:36

Introducing Dhammavijaya - New Fundraising Coordinator for the India Dhamma Trust

By Dhammavijaya on Tue, 14 Feb, 2017 - 15:36

Dear friends and supporters of the India Dhamma Trust

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the Trust’s new Fundraising Coordinator.
I am taking over from Carunalaka, who has done sterling work in the promotion of the Trust, ensuring the level of support it currently enjoys. Hers are big shoes to fill!  

I was ordained in 1989 and Since my...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Job Opportunity: Fundraising Co-ordinator for India Dhamma Trust.

By Nandavajra on Wed, 21 Sep, 2016 - 11:57

Job Opportunity: Fundraising Co-ordinator for India Dhamma Trust.

By Nandavajra on Wed, 21 Sep, 2016 - 11:57

Job Opportunity: Fundraising Co-ordinator for India Dhamma Trust.

Help be part of the revival of Buddhism in the land of its birth!  The India Dhamma Trust is looking for a new fundraising Co-ordinator. The job involves raising awareness of the work of Triratna in India, as well as raising much needed funds.  

As an aspect of fundraising and donor care, the work includes a diverse range of activities such as publicity work, visiting Centres and giving presentations and talking to people...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Dr Ambedkar, Sangharakshita and the Buddhist Revolution - Part 1

By Mokshini on Sun, 4 Sep, 2016 - 22:23

Even within Triratna it may be some that not all of us are familiar with Dr Ambedkar - and if are, we may most likely associate him with his role as a statesman and social reformer.  But towards the end of his life Dr Ambedkar converted to Buddhism and with him hundreds of thousands of other people. As a result of his conversion there are now millions of new Buddhists in India. His conversion was the start of...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Triratna on the BBC World Service

By vajratara on Mon, 18 Apr, 2016 - 12:45

Triratna on the BBC World Service

By vajratara on Mon, 18 Apr, 2016 - 12:45

Listen to this recent BBC radio documentary featuring our very own Maitriveer Nagarjuna! It is about why the Dalits, after generations of oppression, are converting to Buddhism. An interesting listen in that it highlights the problems of caste, which it calls apartheid, as well as the current difficulties the new Buddhists face as they leave the dominant Hindu culture. However, I think it presents conversion to Buddhism as a reaction against Hinduism and underplays the inspiration of following the Buddhist path...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

The Power of the Sangha: a story of transformation

By vajratara on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 12:23

The Power of the Sangha: a story of transformation

By vajratara on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 12:23

An interview with the very impressive Ratnakumar, an Order Member you have directly sponsored to transform his life and enter the Order. Originally from Orissa, Ratnakumar started life with the stigma of being a dalit in village India: not being able to sit with upper caste children in the class room or play with them in the sports grounds. Even the shop keepers would ask him to leave his money on the floor rather than take it from his hand...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Transforming Self, Transforming Society

By Carunalaka on Tue, 16 Feb, 2016 - 12:29

Transforming Self, Transforming Society

By Carunalaka on Tue, 16 Feb, 2016 - 12:29

Dhammachari Yashosagar talks openly about how Dr BR Ambedkar saw the transformation that needed to take place for millions of Indian people to escape the bonds of the caste.

He taught that the way for the Dalit people to overcome the indignity and suffering endorsed by the Hindu religion was to convert to Buddhsim, take responsibility for their own lives and help others to take responsibility for theirs.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

550 Men and Women Embrace Buddhism in South India

By vajratara on Mon, 15 Feb, 2016 - 08:59

550 Men and Women Embrace Buddhism in South India

By vajratara on Mon, 15 Feb, 2016 - 08:59

On 26th January is Republic Day in India, celebrating the day Dr Ambedkar gave India their constitution, based explicitly on the Buddhist values of liberty, equality and fraternity.  On this day this year, 550 men and women from the scheduled castes from Siddhipeth (just outside Hyderabad), Telanghana State, publicly embraced Buddhism and the 22 vows.  This was the first public conversion since the formation of the new Telanghana State.  It was also the first time a Member of the Triratna Buddhist Order conducted...
