Tag: Bodhisattva Ideal

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Buddhist Action Month's not over yet! 10 minute actions

By mokshini on Mon, 27 Jun, 2016 - 08:00

Buddhist Action Month's not over yet! 10 minute actions

By mokshini on Mon, 27 Jun, 2016 - 08:00

Apart from the fact that we can continue with our skilful actions engagements and all through the year, should you feel that you’d like to end the month doing something  to have a positive effect on the world and reach out to yourSangha as well as your local community - here are some ideas for 10 minutes actions which you can still do - even today! 

  • a daily dose of FMI’s: five minute interventions {not sure what they are? Look it up here,
  • ...
Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Exeter & Devon sangha beach clean

By mokshini on Sat, 25 Jun, 2016 - 21:55

Exeter & Devon sangha beach clean

By mokshini on Sat, 25 Jun, 2016 - 21:55

This post could be entitled ‘How to do something positive for the world and have a really good day at the same time’: the Exeter & Devon Triratna sangha met with members of other local Buddhist groups - Western Chan fellowship, Gaia House group and Diamond Way - at Dawlish Warren, a little seaside resort south of Exeter, and followed Neil, our beachcare officer, along the beach, away from the shops selling flip flops and ice cream.  

10 minutes on the...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Last but not least! How to become trainee bodhisattva, by Khemasuri

By mokshini on Sat, 25 Jun, 2016 - 20:39

Last but not least! How to become trainee bodhisattva, by Khemasuri

By mokshini on Sat, 25 Jun, 2016 - 20:39

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Here’s Khemasuri, who suggests to the extent we practise the dharma we are all trainee bodhisattvas, and as part of that we’ll ’remember that all our actions have consequences and that we can always be agents for positive change”. In her talk she explores how we can be be positive agents for changing the world - she has some good quotes from Sangharakshita too,...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Vidyamala: On Building Bridges To Buddhism In The World

By mokshini on Tue, 21 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Vidyamala: On Building Bridges To Buddhism In The World

By mokshini on Tue, 21 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Vidyamala is the inspirational founder of the Breathworks movement, introducing deep mindfulness practice for those suffering from chronic pain and stress. Here she explores how innovative approaches can revitalise the Dharma as traditional Buddhism finds its place in a world that desperately needs its message of wisdom and compassion.

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Dayasara: On Buddhist Care Projects

By mokshini on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Dayasara: On Buddhist Care Projects

By mokshini on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Dayasara’s talk at his local Buddhist Centre evokes the case of a friend in need of the support of his community. It’s a great way to introduce the idea of more formal Buddhist care projects as part of the fabric of our idea of Buddhist sangha - and an active, practical, everyday way to practise the Bodhisattva Path.

More at ...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Amalaketu: 10 Steps To Sustainability

By mokshini on Sun, 19 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Amalaketu: 10 Steps To Sustainability

By mokshini on Sun, 19 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Amalaketu is spearheading a great drive to see all Triratna Buddhist Centres in the UK become sustainable spaces. Here’s his easy-to-implement 10-step guide to making it happen… What are you waiting for? :)

Download your pack at thebuddhistcentre.com/sustainable

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Samacitta: Promoting Veganism At Centres

By mokshini on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

A characteristically passionate talk from Samacitta on the urgent ethics of food in a world devastated by the effects of the twin industries of meat and dairy production.

Read Samacitta’s free eBook: Buddhism On A Plate

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Yogaratna: Breaking The Silence, Changing The Story

By mokshini on Fri, 17 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Yogaratna: Breaking The Silence, Changing The Story

By mokshini on Fri, 17 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Yogaratna’s “video diary” for BAM 2016 is a no-holds-barred and urgent call-to-action around climate change - what can we do and how can we, as Buddhists, inform ourselves about the issue.

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Mokshini: On the Bodhisattva Heart Of Intention

By mokshini on Thu, 16 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Mokshini: On the Bodhisattva Heart Of Intention

By mokshini on Thu, 16 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Here’s my own “video diary” on the great heart of intention that informs every act and can open up a beautiful space for us and the world if we only pay attention in everyday life…

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Guhyapati: On Inner And Outer Transformation

By mokshini on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Guhyapati: On Inner And Outer Transformation

By mokshini on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Guhyapati has been spearheading a pioneering Eco-Dharma community in the Pyrenees for many years, and wants to see some of the principles of that movement brought to bear in our own lives of practice, giving rise to new projects that will re-shape the personal, economic, political and ecological landscape of the 21st Century.

More at thebuddhistcentre.com/bam - get involved!
