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Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Is Climate Change a Crisis for Buddhism? A Conversation with David Loy

By Mokshini on Tue, 27 Feb, 2018 - 12:48

Is Climate Change a Crisis for Buddhism? A Conversation with David Loy

By Mokshini on Tue, 27 Feb, 2018 - 12:48

This video is a webinar from the oneearthsangha network, in which David Loy shares some interesting thoughts on the current state of Buddhism in the West. 

For David Loy, the current ecological crisis is at the same time a crisis for our understanding of Buddhism. Do have a listen to the video; alternatively is a summary of some of the points David Loy makes in this talk. 

Notes on David Loy talk  (bold = my emphases) 

In what ways is this ecological crisis a crisis for...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

June is Buddhist Action Month! BAM 2018

By Mokshini on Fri, 16 Feb, 2018 - 16:45

June is Buddhist Action Month! BAM 2018

By Mokshini on Fri, 16 Feb, 2018 - 16:45

The theme for BAM 2018 is Transforming Self, Transforming World.

As always, the theme for BAM is inspired by contemporary issues, and this year’s emphasis invites us to stop and look at the big picture: 

It is becoming evident that our society urgently needs a new story, a new myth to live by. As an example. George Monbiot puts it very well in this recent  short interview * where he outlines the need for a psycho-spiritual approach that is thoroughly meaningful and that may...
