Hej vänner,
Det var ett tag sedan jag skrev här. I början av juni fick jag brev från skolans förra rektor, Jampel Khalden, som lite berättade om vad som kommer att hända framöver när skolan stänger vid årets slut. Här är också några foton jag fick tidigare i våras, från en väldigt tom skola...
Den tors 10 juni 2021 kl 08:03 skrev itbci school <itbcischool@yahoo.in>:
Dear Viryabodhi,
We finally decided to run the school December 2021. However we will continue our other cultural activities and also keep the Prayer Hall, Dardo Rinpoche's statue as a heritage. I once again thank you very much for your kind support.
Indeed we will keep in touch . Please convey my sincere regards to all the sponsors. We will always remain grateful.
My sincere regards,
Jampel Kaldhen
(och mitt svar, idag:)
Dear Jampel,
Thank you for your letter.
It must feel sad, and more, to close the school after all these years. So much history, but as you say some of that will carry on into the unknown future.
I understand conditions have changed, as they always do.
We are all very happy to support you to the end of 2021.
I'm sure you will keep us informed.
best wishes from a summer warm Sweden,