Buddhist Action Month began for some members of the Sheffield sangha on Sunday May 29, with Work that Reconnects in a wonderful woodland setting. It was the first proper event hosted by Kuladitya and Cecilie in their woodland (and gorgeous yurt!), which they are slowly but surely restoring from Pine plantation to Oak woodland. Whereas only a few months ago the ground was covered by Bracken and Brambles, now it was dappled with Bluebells, Stichwort, and more delicate Lady Ferns. Well done, to all who helped with this back-breaking work!
Some of the intentions emerging from the day included spending more time in nature; eating at least one meal/ day outdoors; recalling the inspiration gained from observing a busy Wood Ant mound; being less afraid of insects; building more faith in humanity and our capacity to "get it right".
Many thanks to Kuladitya, Cecilie, Khemasuri and Dhiragita for organising everything and offering us all a very memorable day!