Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha
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Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) 2016

In the lead up to June, I'm ruminating on some of the new green precepts I might take on. Please let us know what you are thinking about, too!

Currently, I find reflection to be meaningful in this context, because it adds weight and meaning to what I may choose to undertake.  Failure is always disheartening, but this can be avoided through advance thought. Since preparation is crucial to the success and quality of any undertaking (including meditation, sports, gardening, etc.), in the case of BAM preparation is essential to the experiences we gain by taking on a 'green precept' that is meaningful to us. 

Some of the things I'm thinking about:

- to reduce my plastic consumption > by taking this reflection with me when I go shopping, I realise what a big shift this will pose to my behaviour, if only due to packaging! Nevertheless, this has also revealed how and where I can get the things I need.

- conserving (hot) water > another training exercise in behaviour shift. Basically, when I'm using water from a tap, I question whether it actually needs to be hot? If I'm not using enough water to warrant heating it up (via the hidden boiler), can I do with cold water? 

- picking up a bit of litter every day > I failed this precept last year because I wasn't organised enough to have a little bag associated with my jacket/ shoes!

Now in its 5th year, June 2016 will be Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) for practicing Buddhists around the world, of all traditions. In the UK, the Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO) inititated BAM as an annual "festival" encouraging engagement with beneficial activities that transform self and world, with emphasis on social-change and care for all. Compared with other Buddhist groups within NBO, Triratna took BAM on board straight away and is the most active!