The beautiful film of one extraordinary day in October 2018 when tens of thousands of people watching online around the world joined the many assembled mourners at Adhisthana to say goodbye to their friend and teacher, Urgyen Sangharakshita - "Bhante".
It's rare enough for one person to found an entire international spiritual Movement and community. Sangharakshita was one such person, and his death was a major staging point for everyone involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community as it begins its second 50 years of bringing the Buddha's teaching to the world in ways that are relevant to the times.
His extraordinary contribution to the flourishing of the Dharma in India and the West – and to the lives of a great many people during his nine decades of life – will not soon be forgotten by those who gathered to witness his passing.
With thanks to Amaradaya, Sanghadhara and the team at Clear Vision.
Watch highlights from the day | Watch the live-streamed coverage from the day
See more videos from the funeral and burial ceremonies for Sangharakshita