Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center
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Closing 2017 with Perfect Samadhi

Join us this Sunday, December 17, 9:30AM-12:00PM, as we conclude our Sunday series on the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path: Where Are We Going and How Can We Get There? Dh. Viriyalila will once again lead us in meditation and Mitras Meagan Van Hoogan and Maryellen Burke will seed our community conversations with their reflections on Perfect Samadhi (or Right Meditation) and a concluding overview of the whole path. This will be our final Sunday gathering of 2017, and we hope to see you there! PBC will be closed Sunday 12/24 and Sunday 12/31.

Also, we encourage you to consider joining the wider Seacoast Triratna sangha at Aryaloka in Newmarket NH for the 12th annual Meditate for Peace Day on January 1. Come for an hour, the whole day or something in between and start 2018 off with mindfulness and good fellowship.

And consider joining a Regional Sangha Retreat, January 12-15, also at Aryaloka. Meet fellow practitioners from Maine, Boston and New York as well as the NH Seacoast.

Following the path is more joyful with friends!