Sundays, September 2nd through September 30th, 9am-12.30pm
We're moving into a new season again at the PBC! And this year we'll be greeting fall and early winter by exploring the 5th aspect of the Triratna System of Practice: the aspect of Spiritual Receptivity.
Over the next 5 weeks we'll begin our reflections with a series of Sunday community mornings looking at what it means to have and be with our experience of life – and how we might cultivate ways that move us towards an altogether more open sense of the reality we are all taking part in.
It's tempting to think we are more or less in charge of who we are, how we feel, what we know: but glance just beneath the surface and it can quickly get much more complicated to even try and say what is going on! This kind of self-reflection tends to come up naturally at regular intervals through life; and in an already complicated world it can be a source of unhappiness, anxiety or stress – which is often why we end up at Buddhist Centers!
In this first series for fall we'll be touching on poetry, practicing mindful ways of sitting and being as a community, and taking new looks at classic meditation techniques that help support us as we delve deeper, asking the big questions in a safe haven of stillness. Join us on Sundays to build a greater sense of ease of body, heart and mind. Let's make a receptive space that can open up to the beauty of the moment – and give rise to the presence of genuine freedom and contentment in our shared time together...
...Still far away. It was like
A new knowledge of reality.
Wallace Stevens, 'Not Ideas About the Thing but the Thing Itself'
Portsmouth Buddhist Center,
PPMTV, Studio 1,
280 Marcy Street
NH 03801
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