This year Padmaloka once again hosted the Surlingham village festival, as we do every other year.
The day was a resounding success, despite the threat of rain which in the end never fully materialised (much gratitude to the nagas for their part in this). There was live music throughout ranging from a one man 80's cover act, to acoustic folk and the village choir. There were lots of activities, games and competition for all ages. Padmaloka managed to win 6 of the competitions: limbo (Robin), welly wanging (Marcin), best 3d crafted item (Aryapala, best bread (Rob), best overall produce (Rob) and of course the tug-o-war. The village choir ran a cafe from the retreat lounge and the Surlingham carpet bowls club set up shop in the dining room. There were plenty of other activities and exhibitions for people to enjoy as well. Ranging from birds of prey to the Norwich rowing club. We also held two introduction to meditation sessions in the shrine room and a guided tour.
It's important for us to contribute to the life of the wider community that we are a part of, by opening our doors and providing the use of our facilities. It's also a valuable opportunity for the friends and families of those who come on retreat here to see the place.
Full praise must go to the village festival committee whose tireless work on the day and throughout the year makes this event possible. Padmaloka is next due to hold the village festival in 2018.
You can view some of the photos of this year's festival here on the Surlingham website: