Winter meeting of Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly

This winter's gathering of Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly ended last week at Adhisthana and was unusually large, with around 60 participants. This partly reflects a changeover in Chairs in around 15 centres and enterprises, the old and new Chairs attending together.

The topic this time was leadership, explored through a series of presentations and workshops. Listen to short interviews on this topic.

The Chairs also heard about the work done by the College, Bhante and Triratna's communications team to respond to the matters raised by the BBC's local tv programme in September 2016, just after the Chairs' last meeting.

A new dedicated Safeguarding post was agreed, to build on the work I began in 2013. It was very good to see how much progress has been made in Safeguarding provision since the publication of our first model policies in 2015.

+Follow the European Chairs' Assembly on The Buddhist Centre Online.