For a number of years, Vishvapani has been the regular Buddhist contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Four's morning news programme, Today.
Here are his recent broadcasts, accessible anywhere in the world. His views on violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Burma/Myanmar may be of particular interest.
11th May 2017">Is Buddhism still relevant? (Buddha Day)
18th May 2017 Eating in moderation
1st June 2017 If technology served Buddhist goals
5th September 2017 The Dharma and the caring professions
12th September 2017 Buddhist atrocities in Burma: the problem of a Buddhist state
These links are to the broadcasts on the BBC website. They are also available (and in text form) on">Vishvapani’s Wise Attention blog, where you will also find his talks for BBC Radio Wales and other recent writing.