Triratna International Gathering 24th-28th August 2017

Triratna Buddhist Centres from across Europe, Adhisthana and Buddhafield are joining forces for the fifth Triratna International Gathering Thursday 24th August to Monday 28th August 2017 at Adhisthana, UK. The title of the event is 'Our Future Dharma: What the World Needs Now'.

The International Gathering is a very special opportunity to experience a large outdoor gathering of people from all over the Triratna world, mostly (but not all) camping, in beautiful countryside. Come and get an inspiring, deep and moving sense of the wider Triratna sangha.

Come and join us! Book now.

Over 50 years Triratna has developed into an international spiritual community with a distinctive vision and a wealth of experience of Dharma practice. At a time when there seems to be increasing uncertainty, upheaval, polarisation, intolerance and conflict in the world the International Gathering will explore what we have to offer the world in the next 50 years.

To get a sense of this type of event, check out the pictures and recordings from the International Retreat 2014.

Talks by Prajnaketu (European Young Buddhist Co-ordinator), Dhammamegha (secretary to the International Council) and Arthakusalin (Chair of Ghent Buddhist Centre, Belgium) will explore the Three Jewels as our gifts to give the world.

The evenings will see us gather for spontaneous entertainments around the camp fire.

Every afternoon there will be workshops exploring the transformative message of the Dharma and what we personally have to offer - mindfulness and meditation, art, 'engaged' Buddhism, and Dharma study groups, yoga and much more. 

Follow updates to the programme.

We will also hear about FutureDharma Fund, Triratna’s new and ambitious fundraising project helping Triratna offer even more to the world. 

The world needs what you've been given. Pass it on.

Everyone is welcome, from newcomers to Order members, of all ages — including children.

Booking and information
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