£500,000 gift from Windhorse Trust!

I was absolutely astounded by Karunadhi’s phone-call telling me that the Windhorse Trust was giving Tiratanaloka Unlimited half-a-million pounds! She had to say it twice before it sank in. Then I burst into tears of our gratitude. What an affirmation to all of us - to all of you who believe so deeply in this project. And it’s a massive leap forward for our fundraising. This brings our new total to over one million pounds, which means we’re over two-thirds of the way to our £1.5 million target!

The Windhorse Trust was set up in the 1980s by those running Windhorse:Evolution - a wholesale and retail team-based right-livelihood gift business. Loads of us used to work for Windhorse. I had 5 ½ happy years at the Dublin Shop and nearly all the Tiratanaloka team worked in UK shops.

We made lots of profits, so even though the business sadly closed in 2015, the Trust is still able to give away money. So if you’ve ever worked, volunteered, bought a gift or received a gift from Windhorse, you are part of this amazing donation!

Please share this wonderful news! Share the video far and wide!

With love and gratitude from Subhadramati

P.S. Now that our target is so much nearer don’t miss your chance to take part in this Movement-critical project . Give now or click here to make a pledge.