Vassika is Chair of Le centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris. She writes to let us know of an event this coming Sunday and Monday, 1st and 2nd November, in preparation for COP21.
“In Paris - and in France - we are preparing for the COP21 meeting on climate change this December. It is encouraging to see how much concern there is for this issue in France, and there are many things being planned to raise awareness and to put pressure on those involved to make sure this meeting really will come up with an effective plan.
One such event is the '24 hours of meditation for the earth' event, at the Grand Rex in Paris, involving various celebrities.
The organisers are encouraging others to organise their own events in parallel, and we shall be doing our own 24 hours of meditation at the Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris.
Our event is open to everyone. It will be run by some of our mitras and will run from 8am on Sunday 1st November to 8am on Monday 2nd November, at the same time as the event at the Grand Rex.