Small grants for Triratna projects and Centres: the Growth Fund 2014
Every year, Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly (ECA) awards a number of small grants from its Growth Fund. This year five grants were made, to a total of GBP 3,575. Your Centre, group or project may like to consider applying next year.

Growth Fund grants are made to projects leading to an increase in numbers of people attending Triratna classes in basic meditation and Dharma:

a. existing Centres giving birth to new groups and Centres in their area
b. small Centres and groups developing existing activities
c. ‘outlying’ Triratna Order members and mitras starting activities where they live
d. pioneers starting Triratna activities in new places
e. growth via the internet
Grants are not made to buy or rent property.

Applications are welcome from projects worldwide with the exception of in India, which has its own fund administered by the Karuna Trust, the Dharma Seed Fund.

The grants in more detail
  • Tacoma, Washington, USA GBP 1000 (USD 1600) towards start-up costs of a new Centre, including cushions and mats, a website and a bookshop.
  • Malmo, Sweden GBP 625 (SEK 7200) for cushions, mats, a rupa and kettle for new introductory courses
  • Krakow and Warsaw GBP 600 (PLN 3165) to cover the costs of four Order members to visit Poland to lead retreats and to visit the Krakow Buddhist Centre and its Warsaw group.
  • Tuebingen, Germany GBP 350 (Euros 439) for cushions and mats for two-year-old group, now expanding
  • Buddhafield South, UK GBP 1000 towards a large tent for camping retreats
Though the Fund is usually oversubscribed, 2014 was a quiet year and these five grants left a surplus to be carried forward to 2015.

Where does the money come from?
Growth Fund money comes from the ECA's Development Fund, which is supplied mainly by the annual donations of Centres across Europe. However, some money is generously donated by Centres as far away as north America and Australasia, in recognition of the fact that much of the work supported by the ECA benefits Triratna people all over the world (for example, Free Buddhist Audio, Windhorse Publications, Clear Vision/VideoSangha and this very website).

Watch this space for news of Growth Fund applications in 2015!
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