Vishvapani broadcasts on Buddhist-Muslim violence in Burma
Vishvapani, member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, is one of the religious voices on the Today programme, BBC Radio 4’s flagship daily morning news programme, reaching six million listeners a week.

Along with writers from several other major faiths, he regularly writes and reads the Thought for the Day - a three-minute topical piece from a faith perspective.

Vishvapani writes:
'When things happen, such as the anti-Muslim violence in Burma, I think it is important that other Buddhists speak out against it in any ways we can. As a Thought for the Day presenter, I wanted to address the issue head-on. I also wanted to avoid what is sometimes called the 'no true Scotsman defence'; i.e. I wanted to acknowledge that these actions are being carried out by Buddhists in the name of Buddhism, and in that sense are part of Buddhism. I think people appreciate that honesty, and there's a lesson for all of us in seeing how badly things - even Buddhist things - can go wrong, and how important it is to constantly review and reform our institutions.'

Listen to his recent broadcast on Burma.
Can’t access the audio? Read the text.

Vishvapani adds that his Thought for the Day is his own view as an individual Order member; he is not a spokesman for the Order or Buddhists in general.

Here are some of his other Buddhist Thought for the Day talks, now on his own site.
The Buddha's Continuing Relevance (Buddha Day)
Engaging Skilfully with the News
Surviving Cancer and Facing Death

You can follow Vishvapani online: