Two book launches coming up in Birmingham
25 November sees two book launches coming up in Birmingham as part of their Sangha Day festivities. Editors Vidyadevi and Kalyanaprabha will be with Sangharakshita from 11.30am–1.00pm at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, and all are welcome. Here’s the details…

The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation
A substantial compilation of Sangharakshita’s teachings on meditation – some drawn from previously published works, and many edited from unpublished transcripts of seminars. Extracts reveal how Sangharakshita learned the practices on which his system of meditation – ‘an organic, living system’ – is based, and how that system has evolved over the years. As well as much discussion about dhyana and Insight, and heartfelt explorations of how to deal with fear or distraction, doubt, drowsiness or desire, topics include such matters as whether it’s a good idea to meditate in the open air, or include Mrs Thatcher in your metta bhavana.

Whether dipped into, used for reference or read from cover to cover, this book, deeply rooted in Buddhist tradition, is full of practical, inspiring and heartily encouraging advice for enthusiastic and reluctant meditators alike.
Paperback, 736 pages, £20 (special launch day price of £15)

Beating the Drum
A collection of editorials for the Maha Bodhi journal written between 1954 and 1964. The themes are diverse and surprising, and just as relevant to men and women of today. Sangharakshita was writing at an exciting time. A great wave of Buddhist revival and renewal was arising in India, as well as in neighbouring countries; and the Dharma was beginning to be known in the West. The conviction that what the world needs more than anything else is the Buddha’s teaching rings out from all that he writes.

Beating the Drum will appeal to anyone who wants to know how the Dharma can be applied to the realities of human life and society. It will appeal to those interested in the figure of Sangharakshita and his life and teaching. Perhaps more than anything it will appeal to those who seek to be roused to action for the good of the Dharma. Here is a voice speaking directly to you.
Paperback, £9.99 (launch day price will be less)

After the launches, you are welcome to stay for the rest of Birmingham's Sangha Day festival. anypne planning to do so is asked to bring vegan/vegetarian food to share at lunchtime.