The maximum attending any of our sessions was about 10 though the minimum - for one of them - was zero (apart from Nagarakshita and myself of course!) On the latter occasion we did an Order Metta and a sevenfold puja. Eight new people showed a sincere interest in being kept informed of activities in the area, one of whom travelled 3 hours by car to get to us. Those who came valued the introduction to meditation - which were followed by a tea-break and an opportunity to discuss a Dharmic topic.
Next on the Triratna Ontario calendar is a day in Guelph for Friends. On meditation and study, it’ll be led by Dharmapriya on the 6th May. His reason for being in Ontario is that his brother lives in Toronto and he likes to visit him on his way from his home in Berlin to Mexico where he periodically supports the Triratna Buddhist Community.
To find out more about the Triratna Buddhist Community in Ontario look at our website
With metta, Harshaprabha