'You sound too meditative - think of the Lady Gaga track following you!'
“This feedback came from the BBC producer editing my overnight Pause for Thoughts. He has a point; most people tune to Radio 2 in the middle of the night to stay awake, not to be lulled to sleep. We spoke as I recorded six spots, the last of which go out this weekend, July 30/31st, during Richard Allinson at approx 0420, repeated on Zoe Ball at approx 0620. If you're going to a car boot sale, you might hear them as you drive. They're also available for a week on BBC i-player.
“I've written and recorded almost 90 overnight Pause for Thoughts since 2005; I write 5 or 6 at a time, upbeat but not inane, jargon free but not banal. They want a Buddhist take on a topical theme for people who aren't particularly religious, let alone Buddhist, and it can be hard to get the right tone: one week, I went from a kitten at Buddhafield to the repatriation of the alleged Lockerbie bomber, which I felt covered a sufficient range of human experience - even at 2 o'clock in the morning."