First Triratna event in Toronto coming up
Harshaprabha writes from the small Triratna community in Canada, with news of their first day-long event planned in Toronto. If you have any friends or relatives in Toronto who might be interested in Triratna’s approach to Buddhism and spiritual community - this is your chance to invite them! He says - “Here is some news: a first for the Triratna Buddhist Community Ontario! Nagarakshita and I are running a day in Toronto, by chance at a place I passed in 2002 on my way home from work and thought - ‘’That would be a good place to introduce Buddhism and meditation!’. It took a while but it’s happening!

The day will consist of three stand-alone sessions; the details are -

Venue: 889 Yoga on Yonge Street.
Date: Sunday Sept 23rd; cost $20.00 per session.
Session 1: 10.30 till 1.00pm Introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing meditation, followed by talk and discussion on the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Session 2: 2.30 till 5.00pm Introduction to the Metta Bhavana meditation, followed by talk and discussion on the Buddha’s path to Enlightenment and beyond.
Session 3: 6.30 till 9.00pm Introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing meditation, followed by talk and discussion on ‘The Dharma: Facing Life and Death’.

For more details check the Triratna Buddhist Community Ontario website. Love, Harshaprabha