In an exciting new development for Central/Eastern Europe, Saddhaloka (UK) and Nityabandhu (Poland) are leading the first Triratna retreat for our sanghas in Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. The retreat will take place at the end of July, in Poland.
We need the help of a translator, and this is where you can help. Could you meet some of the travel costs for Jenya Lipilina, a mitra who has asked for Ordination in Moscow, to come and translate for Saddhaloka and retreatants from Odessa and Moscow?
We’d like to raise half her total costs of 350GBP, or 175 GBP. (Her flight to Poland costs around 250 GBP, and the visa costs 100 GBP.)
Donations can be made from anywhere in the world by credit/debit card card using Just Giving.
Please reference your donation "Polish retreat" in the comments box.
Thank you. Every little bit helps!