Transforming Conflict
Taplow Court, Berkshire, UK, 16th – 18th August, 2013
How would it be if we were to see conflict as transformative, rather than negative and painful? Buddhism suggests that out of difficulties and conflicts can develop wholesome outcomes.
At times we can be embroiled in conflict within ourselves and with others. Can these conflicts be creative? In what ways, on a daily basis, do we transform problematic situations? Is conflict good or bad?
Each speaker at this conference will approach these and other questions from their own perspective, whilst drawing on Buddhist ideas and concepts. There will be opportunities to join workshops and watch performances as well as other creative ways to explore transforming conflict.
Speakers will include:
Dr Michele Lamb – Roehampton University, Human Rights
Dr Mark Owen – The Centre of Religions for Reconciliation and Peace
Marina Cantacuzino – The Forgiveness project
Akuppa – Prison Chaplaincy
Caroline Brazier – Tariki Trust
Jamie Cresswell – Centre for Applied Buddhism
Ken Jones – Network of Engaged Buddhists
Munisha – Clear Vision Trust
Padmadaka – Karuna Trust
Book now! For more information click here.
Limited concessions available.