Several speakers related their memories of the past two and a half decades, from the very first beginnings when Dhammaloka and Dharmapriya started Buddhist activities in their private flat in 1983, to the inauguration and gradual development of the Essen Centre as well as its retreat centre Vimaladhatu.
For newer friends who only know the Essen Centre as it is now it was fascinating to hear stories from "the old times", when lots of beginners’ mind, hard work and energy was needed to create what is now a lively Buddhist place and Sangha. Photo panels showed the gradual development of the Centre - and our visitors had great fun trying to recognize the much younger versions of some of the people still active in our Sangha on the older pictures!
After enjoying each other’s company with good food, we ended our celebrations with a cultural programme of poetry as well as wonderful flute, saxophone and guitar music and a final festive Sevenfold Puja. We have included some photos from the day to share with you.
With metta, Jnanacandra”