Hidden Gems charity shop opens in Croydon
Sucimani writes with news of some unusual developments around Triratna’s Croydon Buddhist Centre, saying - “Over the past few weeks, bags and bags of clothing - including a very posh hat that you might wear to Ascot - have been arriving on the Centre’s doorstep. And not just clothes - there’s been a whole assortment of interesting gifts and much-loved books, CDs and DVDs. Luckily we have quite a lot of room in our basement! And why is this, you might ask? It’s all been in preparation for a very exciting new Sangha venture: a charity shop called Hidden Gems that will be run as a Team-Based Right Livelihood by the fab team of Sooz, Kay, Theresa and Jill.

It’s been an amazingly abundant response from our sangha and friends, families and neighbours. All the stuff has been sorted through by some generous volunteers, who’ve also been hard at work converting what was for many years Oasis Natural Products, our wholefood shop, to the new charity shop.

And we opened to the public on 2nd December! Amarapuspa and I led a dedication and opening ceremony, Claudine came from Lama’s Pyjamas (the London Buddhist Centre’s charity shop) to cut the ribbon and declare the shop open. Already I feel sure it will contribute greatly to the life of our sangha here in Croydon, providing a context for intensive dharma practice, and allowing for Buddhist ideals to be put into practice on an everyday basis. Do come and visit anytime - or check out our facebook page at www.facebook.com/hiddengemscroydon. Sucimani.”

So far it’s looking good - here’s their facebook entry for the first day’s trading: First day Hidden Gems has been open to the public. We've had an amazing day filled with lots of people, purchases and positive feedback for the shop space. We've met people that knew the in the 70's and entertained the young children waiting for mum to try on a new coat. Couldn't have asked for a better start to the new venture. Thanks to everyone for your support, we wouldn't be here without you xxxx