Shantigarbha, from Bristol, UK) has just returned from two months in India, sharing NVC and leading a Triratna retreat. In 2012 he co-led a nine-day reconciliation event on the West Bank for 100 Israelis and Palestinians.
He says: "NVC has been very popular at the UK's Buddhafield Festival, which is taking a break this summer. As an alternative, we've got a team together to organize a family-friendly NVC Summerfest. It's scheduled for just after Buddhafield's Green Earth Awakening event, on the same site - the old Festival site. The Buddhafield Collective are hosting us and will be managing the infrastructure.
Our dream is to create compassionate community, including children of all ages, and have lots of fun!
There will be NVC sessions for all levels of experience, hot tubs, dancing, and meals provided by the Buddhafield Cafe. To make it accessible to all, we've kept the ticket price low. Come and join us!
Find out about the Summerfest.
Watch Shantigarbha’s 2013 Buddhafield Festival talk: "The Empathic Buddha. (40 mins)