Buddhist Action Month in full swing

We’re halfway through Buddhist Action Month, a pan-Buddhist festival of social action which has spread from Britain to many countries.

With their own particular BAM theme of ‘21st century Bodhisattvas’, Triratna sanghas are hard at work (and play) in Turkey, Ireland, Australia, Germany, New Zealand and the USA, as well as Britain. 

Over on The Buddhist Centre Online’s special BAM page you can follow their activities – and view the short video talks we’re posting to keep everyone inspired, from speakers in various countries, including Guhyapati in Spain, featured here.

There’s an impressively long list of activities there, including

  • Joining vigils for the victims of the Orlando killings last week
  • Mass tree planting
  • helping homeless people weathering the New Zealand winter
  • Collecting food for a ‘food bank’
  • Litter picking
  • Encouraging buying locally-sourced vegetables
  • Showing climate-change films including ‘This changes everything’, ‘Planetary’ and ‘Racing extinction’
  • Raising money for an emergency fund for Order members in need
  • Discussing ‘deep ecology’
  • Protesting outside a supermarket
  • Looking at the ethics of money
  • Street meditations
  • A ‘going deeper’ newcomers’ course on altruism in everyday life
  • Clothes-swap event
  • Working on a crop-share farm

Keep watching the BAM space for news of events as they happen.
Visit the pan-Buddhist BAM space on Facebook.

Buddhist Action Month is a project initiated by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK in 2012.