21st-Century Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Action Month 2016 begins!

It's the first day of June, which means it's Buddhist Action Month 2016!

BAM is an annual festival of Buddhist-inspired socially benficial activity. Under the '21st-Century Bodhisattva' theme, over the last few weeks, Triratna sanghas in Istanbul, Dublin, Australia, Essen (Germany), New Zealand and New Hampshire (USA), as well as all over Britain, have been posting news of their plans on the dedicated BAM space here on The Buddhist Centre Online. Have a look!

Planned events relate to topics including peace activism, environmental sustainability, capitalism, compassion and altruism: Triratna people all over the place will be engaging in beach cleanups, guerrila gardening, street meditation, collecting food for refugees and asylum-seekers.

It's also an opportunity for sangha members to celebrate the altruistic work they already do anyway as volunteers in chaplaincy, hospice visiting and so on.

Keep watching the BAM space for news of events as they happen.
Visit the pan-Buddhist BAM space on Facebook.

Buddhist Action Month is a project initiated by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK in 2012.