Online Meditators
Online Meditators
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Meditation for February
Hi all, thanks for sitting with us through the start of the year. It's been lovely connecting with some of you as we build our little gang of regular and occasional online meditators! Let's keep it going now all those New Year's resolutions have worn off... :)

We'll be starting February meditations off Tuesday February 4th by continuing our voyage towards absorption and deepening stillness using the breath as an anchor and a reference. Join us for the mindfulness of breathing meditation, followed on Thursday by the cultivation of loving kindness (the metta bhavana) .

Our regular meditation times are Tuesdays at 2.30pm EST/ 7.30pm UK and Thursdays at 11am EST / 4pm UK. We'll be online 10 minutes before (please try to be there at this time so we all have time to say hello!) and we'll meditate for around 45 mins, with time after for discussion.

In mainland Europe it will be one hour later (most of the year). In India only the Thursday will likely be possible - 9.30pm Mumbai time. In Australia and New Zealand, we hope you can join us on your Wednesday morning at 6.30am/8.30am (Sydney /Wellington).

Find us on Skype as user: (instant message us to be added to the call) or via a Google hangout on our Google + page (you may have to add us to your circles, click 'hangouts' in the event posting on our page). We'll be online 10 minutes before each meditation and we'll sit for about 40 minutes, with a 15-20 minute space for optional discussion afterwards. You can also find us on 'The Buddhist Centre Online Meditators Group' on Insight Timer.

Please feel free to use this space anytime to arrange your own group sits in your own time zone, or buddy up with others for meditation!