Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
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Rooms available in Cambridge Men’s communities

Are you interested in an opportunity to live in a community, or know someone who might be?

Currently, there are spaces available in three of the men’s communities in Cambridge.  These are all well-established and long standing communities, all with a range of newer and more experienced Order members. Developing deeper friendships is a key ingredient of our community living. Each community has its own character and way of engaging with communal practice. New community members would receive a warm and supportive welcome, and have an opportunity to engage in the life of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

All three communities are in central Cambridge and within easy walking distance of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre and the historic city centre with its parks, lovely architecture and abundant cultural offerings. The houses are well maintained by the Windhorse Trust and bedrooms are of a good size.  Including all utilities and council tax costs, the monthly rent is around £500.  With a shared food budget and communal cooking these communities provide a very economical and ecological way of living.  Employment rates are high in Cambridge and it is relatively easy to find work in the city.

The communities would welcome interest from Order members or mitras, especially those who are preparing to join the Order as these communities provide a great context to deepen one's engagement with the Order.  In fact, each of these communities has at least one Preceptor!  If you or anyone you know might be interested in moving to Cambridge, do get in touch.  Communities would welcome those interested to visit, stay for a few days, and try out community living.

For more details contact one of:
