Are you interested in considering joining our new four-person community in Bow, London, E3?
My partner Abhayanandi and I have at last managed to buy a 4-bed flat with a garden, and we'd love to live communally with two other Triratna Order Members or Mitras. We are moving in very soon. It's a nice flat with an open-plan living area and a garden. The rent will be somewhere around £600 per month plus bills. We've both really appreciated living in genuine practice communities, and want more of the same!
My summing up of Abhayanandi is that she is great company, interested in others, very positive and creative, and likes her surroundings to be aesthetic. She balances right livelihood work, an alive practice, and teaching at the London Buddhist Centre.
Ratnaprabha,, 07834882224
My summing up of Ratnaprabha is that he is very thoughtful, kind and considerate. He is balanced and sees all sides of any situation. He loves nature, art, books and the Dharma and is a loyal and consistent practitioner who holds responsibility lightly.
Abhayanandi,, 07989739177