Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
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Fancy joining a successful vegan cafe and venue?

Buddhist business / Team-Based Right Livelihood opportunity in Cambridge, UK

This is a unique chance for a small core team of Buddhists to develop an already thriving cafe and venue and create a new Buddhist working environment.

The owners of the Thrive cafe in Cambridge ( are moving on, creating the perfect opportunity for a team of Buddhists to transition to running a precious community resource much loved by the local Sangha. 

The cafe currently serves meals, coffee, hot and cold drinks and cakes and the venue spaces are hired out for yoga, workshops, performances, private parties, etc. The annual turnover during the  pandemic has been £320k. There is much untapped potential in expanding opening hours, events and venue hire. 

For those joining the new team, support is available: 

Windhorse Trust are open to considering financial help.

Accommodation is available in a choice of Triratna residential communities, both open and closed, for men and women.

Jeremy Peters, a local GfR mitra and part of the existing Thrive team, is committed to helping a new team take shape.

Thrive has four cafe spaces, two flexible venue spaces, a well appointed professional kitchen and associated facilities. It is located in a recently refurbished three-storey premises in central Cambridge, five minutes’ walk from the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. 

There are several Order Members from the Cambridge Sangha willing to support a new TBRL, in terms of Kalyana mitrata, team support etc. 

Here is a poster for printing for your noticeboard.

Want to find out more? Contact:

Jeremy Peters, 


