For the welfare of the many - The Triratna Development Team is looking for a new team member
Project developer and administrator
Are you an Order Member and inspired and enthusiastic about the Triratna Community and want to make a difference, helping to make a significant impact on the growth and effectiveness of the movement? This is an opportunity to join the Development Team as a project developer and administrator taking forward initiatives and projects, and providing administrative support, for the European Chairs Assembly.
The Development Team is dynamic and respected and includes Nandavajra (Team Director), Munisha (Safeguarding and liaison work), Prajnaketu (Young Buddhist Coordinator) and Sthirajyoti (Safeguarding assistant and bookkeeper). The post will include taking on some responsibilities from Mokshini, who will be leaving the team, and involve some contact with the FutureDharma Fund Team.
The role will inevitably evolve with time with the opportunity to grow in responsibility and connection within the order and movement and to perhaps assume a higher level of responsibility in due course. The successful candidate will work closely with, and under the guidance of, Nandavajra.
We are looking for someone who
- Is able to work from home (or suitable office space) but also able to attend fairly frequent meetings (often at Adhisthana or in London)
- Is capable of a good level of self-motivation, self-direction and self-management
- Is comfortable with, and able to manage, a significant level of administration and computer-based work
- Has proven ability to take responsibility, to work collaboratively and to maintain harmonious communication, i.e. in team work despite the ‘virtual’ nature of team
- Has good communication skills, verbal and written
Financial support for the post is on a needs basis and within the support guidelines and budget for the ECA, and can be discussed with candidates.
Please contact Nandavajra ( or 07583 107258) for an informal chat and further details on the responsibility. An application form is attached to the post.
The closing date for applications is 7th May 2018
Job description summary
Projects and resources: In partnership with other members of the team running and developing projects / resources such as:
- Groups and pioneers weekends, training and resources
- International Gathering
- Triratna festivals and celebrations
- Online and other resources
- Researching and developing materials and guidance on aspects of running Centres and groups
- Buddhist Action Month
Secretary to ECA and Executive:
- Practical arrangements for ECA , Exec and Development Team meetings
- Preparing and distributing agendas, papers and minutes for ECA and Exec (and DT) meetings
- Other secretarial / administration duties / tasks as required